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STL export is incomplete

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:17 am
by Johan Jonker
Dear Forum

I succeeded in designing a bass clarinet mouthpiece in TopSolid.
But now I wanted to export it as stl to make a 3D printed prototype.
The problem now is that the stl export is incomplete. Only the grey bottom shape is exported.

The basic part is composed out of 2 shapes. That are trimmed using about 10 shapes surface.
Do I have to render something?

kind regards Johan Jonker

Re: STL export is incomplete

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:16 am
by JuP

TopSolid work with representations, have a look on them to be sure that you have you two forms. If not, drag your form on the wanted representation.

Keep us in touch ! :wink:

Re: STL export is incomplete

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:05 pm
by Johan Jonker
Hello Julien, thanks for reacting.

I did not understand the purpose of the three different representations.
When I export to STL I see now that I can select the type of representation.
That helps. It looks better in the standard windows viewer.
But it gives an failed to load in Cura :-(.

Re: STL export is incomplete

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:21 am
by JuP
I did not understand the purpose of the three different representations.
Sometime you need to have alternative representations. This can be for to make light cad models for drafting (without fasteners for example), parts with less details ...
But it gives an failed to load in Cura :-(.
Ah ok I understand. Most of popular 3d printing software doesn't work with multishapes stl. In TopSolid 7.11 we add a new option when you export with stl format:
Otherwise just make an union (boolean operation) beetween you two forms, you will obtain the same result.

Re: STL export is incomplete

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:04 am
by Johan Jonker
Some weeks later I encounter the error again. But also found the solution.

When you have a part build up from several shapes and then export the representation of the collection of these shapes. It will result in an stl file that gives an error in Cura and other programs. But not in WIndows print 3D.
When you union all shapes to one shape. It will result in an stl file that give no error in Cura. :D